Dr. Hamilton, who is co-author of the international best seller, "Beverly Hills Beauty Secrets," uses a permanent filler combination which is administered every 2 months, generally for 6 months. The buttock tissue enlarges naturally to achieve the desired contour. A J-Lo or Beyonce enhancement might be the goal or something more subtle. Less dramatic contours may only require less than 3 sessions. Dr. Hamilton does not use silicone for any of his augmentations. He uses only FDA approved long duration permanent fillers by injection only.
"There is a shifting in the aesthetic culture," says Dr. Hamilton. "Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez have definitely influenced our perceptions of female body beauty. The sensual look is definitely in. The stick is dead! Long live the curve!"
Dr. Hamilton has been treating women from all walks of life from adult film stars to surburban housewives. What previously was only achieved through risky scarring surgery is now attainable gradually and safely.

Can this procedure be custom tailored to suit the desired shape of the buttocks? For instance, a rounder shape for men?